Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March Madness!!!

And we are not talking about basketball here...In fact, I think we are so busy Matt hasn't seen any games yet. Maybe he sneaks them in when I am not around :)...This month we have the "Colour your World" international women's conference. It has been amazing so far. Matt is in the choir and Tiff volunteered at the first one (10-12) and is attending the second (17-19). It is a really inspiring conference with a focus on social injustice and empowering and motivating women to do something about it.
In the middle of these two conferences we moved house (since the one we were renting sold ). Fortunately, we have some amazing friends that helped do most of the work. (I let one of my friends make all of the decisions and she set up my whole kitchen for me--thanks, Sarah :) Our friends describe our new place as a palace. It is great!! we have a one bedroom apartment that feels massive after spending the past 8 months in a studio flat. We don't even have to walk through the garage to get to the bedroom (yeah!!)
Somewhere in the midst of all this we found time to have our 20 weeks ultrasound!!! All looks good with little Roo and we found out that we will be using our little girl name in August (can't tell you what her name is--it's our secret :)...So excited to have hold her in our arms. It seems like it is so close, yet, time goes by so slow.
We have been so blessed by people in our world here. We have been given a stroller, a swing, bassinet, toys, mattresses, and some clothes (for mum and bub). Our list is growing each day, and we look forward to watching God provide. We can't wait to take Roo on her American tour when we get home. Stay posted for her special appearance dates in a town near you--tickets will sell fast ;). Love you is her 20 week picture...
Tiffany Scott

Monday, March 1, 2010

In case you haven't heard...

So much to do, no time to write...but why is it any different you may ask?!? In case you haven't heard, WE ARE PREGNANT!!! Yeah...our little bub is going to be born sometime around August 3 this year--which means we are 18 weeks along right this makes things a little bit more busy and mum-to-be has a bit less energy...we are very excited to meet our new little one, but have to wait a while still...
In case you haven't heard, our landlords are selling their home and the flat we are living in, so we have been looking for a new place. We are super excited to be moving from a studio apartment to a one bedroom apartment in 2 weeks. It will be great to have a bit more room for baby, friends and family...
In case you haven't heard, Matt has started his second year in college. He has had lots of opportunities to lead worship at the extension service we attend and has also led worship for several of the chapel services in the college. Of course, he get great feedback every time. He has learned so much since we have been here and is so grateful for the opportunity to learn.
That is about all you should have heard about for now--we will try to do a better job to keep you posted. Be well, and do great things!!