Monday, July 13, 2009

We've Moved

So word is getting out that we have moved Yeah!!! I just thought I would make a quick list of the things you appreciate after sharing a house with 7 adults (6 girls and Matt).
10. Leaving the house and returning to it looking the same as it did when you left.
9. A bathroom that is 10 steps past the cars in the garage.
8. Coming home to an empty house
7. A bed in your living room
6. A leather couch in your bedroom.
5. You can see your kitchen from your bedroom/living room
4. Hot plates for a stove.
3. Empty shelves in the refrigerator/freezer
2. 275 sq. feet of unshared, personal living space
1. Going to VISIT the girls and having them over for girls night :)

We are so blessed.  God totally orchestrated this living arrangement for us and to Him be ALL the glory.  We are saving $440 dollars a month as well as utilities!! I had told a friend the exact amount of what we wanted to pay (the amount we are now paying) and laughed.  (Oh, but you did laugh Sarai).  I admit it.  I thought it was impossible.  I forgot that nothing is impossible for the mighty God we serve!!!